In the Lake of the Woods by Tim O’brien
How many of us women will be remembered? And how many of us will only have our name whispered for daring to live freely and “wildly” as our true selves? How many of us women wish we could leave and not return? Not because we don’t love the people in our life, but rather because life has put too much on us and we don't seem to see a way out…
Autumn of opportunities and dreams…
Motherhood in all its glory at times seems all consuming, if one lets it. But there is a human behind it all wishing to live its wildest dreams.
Female artists get paid 10 p vs £1 paid to male artists
Female artists get paid 10 p vs £1 paid to male artists, a mere 10%, this is according to a study conducted by Helen Gorrill. This is even when there are regularly around 70% female artists in art education. Furthermore, prices of art created by females drop even further if the art is signed. The information above, was found in an article by the Guardian Newspaper .
I started to see me, beyond her…
I started to see me, beyond her. Reflections after I finished reading Catherine McCormack’s:
Women, Art and the Power of Looking