Arte Borgo Gallery and ArtCan London present their first collaborative exhibition,
“Transparent as a Dragonfly’, which will first take place in Arte Borgo Gallery in October
2023 and then travel to London in 2024.
The title for the exhibition is taken from a passage in Calvino's ‘Invisible Cities’:
"Perhaps everything lies in knowing what words to speak, what actions to perform, and in
what order in rhythm; or else someone's gaze, answer, gesture is enough; it is enough for
someone to do something for the sheer pleasure of doing it, and for his pleasure to become
the pleasure of others: at that moment, all spaces change, all heights, distances; the city is
transfigured, becomes crystalline, transparent as a dragonfly."
In celebration of 100 years since Italian author Italo Calvino’s birth which takes place on the
15th of October 2023, the exhibition ‘Transparent as a Dragonfly’ will be based on artists’
responses to his book, ‘Invisible Cities’, (1972). Artists will be able to choose a sentence, a
passage or a chapter from the book and present a work, not necessarily unpublished, which
explores a concept related to the text itself without limits given by the single expressive